What is the DDAS



Originally called the AVS DDIV (Database of Demining Incidents and Victims), this database was started by Andy Smith in 1998. By agreement, it was renamed the DDAS (Database of Demining AccidentS) in 2001 by the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GiHAD), who took temporary control of the database but did not maintain it.

In 2006, all control reverted to the originator of the database, Andy Smith (AVS). The DDAS and the DDIV are the same thing.

The Database of Demining Incidents and Victims began in 1998 when Andy Smith was asked by US ARMY CECOM NVESD to gather accident records. He agreed, but did not expect to be able to get much information without the authority of the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS). Unexpectedly, he was able to gather hundreds of records without any special authority. But today the support of the UN Mine Action Service is necessary to enhance access to accident records and that has been refused.

Andy gathered so much information that he could not manage it without creating a software database for the purpose. NVESD did not want that database (having made their own using the text files he handed in) so he paid for the software to be written, added records and distributed the DDIV at his own expense (and with NVESD agreement) during 1998 and 1999. He expresses thanks especially to Colonel George Zahaczewsky at NVESD, who was far sighted enough to see how useful incident data could be.

See http://www.state.gov/t/pm/rls/fs/22948.htm September 1998.

The DDIV was an invaluable asset during the revision of the Copenhagen UNMAS Mine Action Standards. That revision resulted in the current International Mine Action Standards (IMAS). Andy Smith was a member of the IMAS Board from 2001 until 2011 during which time the DDAS provided the Board with the only coordinated evidence of field activity and accidents. In 2011, his opposition to the activities of the GiHAD led to him being removed from the IMAS Board for "religious intolerance". HIs crime was to refer to GICHD as the GiHAD, which many had been doing for nine years.

Th Intellectual Property Rights and day to day management of the DDIV/DDAS belong to Andy Smith.

Not all accident records are on line. The actual database held more records than were on line when the regular maintenance of the asset stopped in 2011.

For information about the accident database that replaces the DDAS, click here.




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